Saturday, February 21, 2015

To Eat or Not To Eat!

So, what should I eat? What should I not?

We all know the answer. It is good to eat a lot of vegetables and less fried food / junk food / food with chemicals etc. But sometimes, we just need to hear it from someone.

I will share things which helped me in my weight loss journey. Hope some of you find it useful.

1. Eat sensibly. Start to monitor what you eat. make a note of your food habits for one week (or at least 3 days). Be sincere. Just write everything you pop into your mouth. Look at it and rate yourselves. This helped me a lot. 

2. Eat if you are hungry. Otherwise, don't stuff your stomach, just because it is time to eat.

3. Don't starve. Ok. I know lot of people who have lost weight with crash diet. But I don't think that is a long term solution. Make changes in your food habits that are sustainable.

4. Small steps. Don't change everything drastically and then get fed up in 2-3 days. For example, when I wanted to cut sugar from tea / coffee, I started by making it half the usual quantity, then quarter, then zero.

5. Don't fool yourselves. Eating pseudo health foods is just waste. Don't eat them thinking you are eating good stuff. (ex. some "health" bars, salads with creamy dressing etc). Also, if you are taking sugar substitutes, please check with your doctor.

6. Don't pity. You are making a choice. So, please honor it. Don't expect sympathy (even from self). Be proud that you are making a healthy choice.

7. Reward. If you have achieved anything significant, reward yourself with a gift or treat. But don't over do it!!

Eat, workout and be happy!!

Image from

Monday, February 9, 2015

Get ... Set ... Go!

All of us know that it is good to exercise. But most of us don't do it. It is very similar to brushing teeth at night. We all want to do it. We all know it is good. But when it comes to doing it, most of us are like... "naaah! let me try tomorrow". So, how do we solve it?

First set a realistic goal. It maybe to improve your stamina or to train for a 10 K run or (the most popular one) to lose weight.

When? Where? What? How?

Are you waiting for this December? To get an offer at a gym and start your fitness journey? Please don't. The only right time to start working out is NOW.

Take small steps - Don't be over ambitious. Start with walking for twenty minutes and gradually increase the time. Increase the speed. Then start walking regularly and then look out for some exercise of your interest like Aerobics, Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Badminton or gym. The options are plenty. Pick whatever you enjoy and fits your schedule.

Track - If you don't track what you do, how can you improve???
All of us have smartphones. There are a wide variety of apps to track. Endomondo , RunKeeper, Track Runner etc. have good interface. If you need a boost from social media, share your workout !

Stop making excuses - "I am busy". Is this your reason? Then you need to manage your time better. You can spare at least half an hour for your health!

Try to get in touch with people who share a similar, if not the same goal. Add friends on Endomondo or make a WhatsApp group with such friends. This will keep you motivated!

Get out and get going!

(Images from - and